More Breaking News. Please print and distribute to your coworkers, classmates.
- "A MAN OF PRINCIPLE". Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States.
- "White homeowner arrested for protecting neighborhood". Chad Copley, 39, of North Carolina charged in shooting death of "hoodlum".
- "BIBLE FACT: NO GAYS IN HEAVEN". Why are Christians reaching out to homoSICKuals after a terror attack in Orlando, when just one week earlier these same Christians were united against the homoSICKuals?
- "CARL CHILDERS ACTUALLY AGREES WITH ME". Knucklehead from Greeneville agrees with the Sheriff (even if he refuses to admit it).
- "OUR CHILDREN AND OUR GRANDCHILDREN". Why do we worry so much about the wellbeing of future generations, when we are the ones who intentionally set them up for failure?
- "Sullivan Leaders say 'NO' to gays". County condemns homoSICKuals; votes to nullify Supreme Court on same-sicks "marriage".
- "THE WAR ON THANKSGIVING". How poor families in rural East Tennessee will suffer because of the selfishness of perverts.
- "AMERICAN HEROES, AMERICAN MORONS". The truth about the Rebel Flag; the question of Federal Tyranny versus State
Sovereignty; the Patriots who LOVE America and the Liberals who HATE America; and so forth.
- "BLACK LIVES MATTER". Kingsport under LOCKDOWN after white people TARGETTED by Black Supremecists.
- "American Veteran issues CALL TO ARMS". Watch Allen Lardieri's emotional plea before it is BANNED by the Government.
- "FALLEN NATION". America is WRONG and God is WATCHING YOU.
- "LIBERTY OR EQUALITY?". Is achieving "equality" for OTHERS really worth the expense of YOUR "liberty"?
- "HERE WE GO AGAIN". Anarchy in the streets of Charleston; Sharpton and his goons incite race riots.
- "PATRIOTS STAND THEIR GROUND". Law-abiding gun owner, the Protector of Freedom; Kingsport banjo salesman Stands His Ground.
- "HERO; a special motion picture". SEE THE VIRAL VIDEO THAT SHOCKED AMERICA.
- "HERITAGE NOT HATE". Southern Nationalism; the Truth about America's Second War for Independence; and a
Requiem for 1861-65, the last time America had a truly self-representative form of Government.
- "THE STUPIDITY OF EDUCATION". Better to be dumb and FREE than smart and INDOCTRINATED.
- "THE PONY". The pragmatism of slavery, yesterday, versus the malice of racism, today.
- "In Loyal Service to GOD AND COUNTRY". The Boy Scouts; a tragic end to a Christian organization that brought so much to so many.
- "Christians predict END OF AMERICA". Hundreds meet at churches to discuss "Hope and Change", the total demise of USA.
- "COMMON CORE = HITLER JUNGEND". President Buckwheat, public schools INDOCTRINATE your children into socialism, homoSICKuality, sharia law.
- "THE GREAT APOLOGIZER". Emperor HUSSEIN Obama gives handjobs to third world terrorists.
- "AMATEUR LEADER, PROFESSIONAL CRIMINAL". Seditious traitor, liar, coward and incompetent idiot, Emperor HUSSEIN Obama circumvents Constitution, rules by EXECUTIVE ORDER
- "ZIMMERMAN; unsung Hero, Patriot". Freedom exists because of the civic mindedness of gun owners; why the Founding Fathers entrusted PROTECTION OF THE FREE STATE to us, NOT GOVERNMENT.
- "USA = NAZI GERMANY". Total cradle-to-grave dependency on Government; culture of apathy, intimidation, corruption; Christian Conservatives who work for a living are maligned by the Liberal media. BUSINESS AS USUAL.
- "CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST IN AMERICA". Prayer made illegal; Christians persecuted for personal beliefs; children thrown in jail for mentioning the word "GOD"; the WAR ON CHRISTMAS; meanwhile Liberals, homoSICKuals, blacks, Muslims get to do whatever they please.